Battlefield 4 > BF4 Server Topics

Server is now connected to ACI Anti Cheat

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Yuda, since you have some experience running a server and trying to keep it clean, I appreciate any legit info you have on suspicious players, by all means, if you want to help out, I appreciate it.

I do ask, though, that it be more private, i.e in a Private Message. You see Wookie happens to be a member of the forum and this is a public section. If/when he comes along and sees this, we may have a situation.

As far as Wookie, we have nothing still, in my opinion.
First, it stands to mention that he is somewhat a regular, has never caused any problems, is friends with several TnTers, and his stats look completely normal. The BF4B site shows zero evidence, that I can find. The reason listed for Ban for Glitching is "Poof". See attachment.

Further, since it was brought up, I ran him through ACI, and he has no records with them or PB, according to their tools.
See attachment.

So again, I do appreciate any help catching cheaters/hackers, but at this point on this particular player, there is nothing noteworthy.

Wookie, if you see this, I aplogize for this being public on the forum, as you see I ask that this kind of thing stay private.
Clearly, I (we) have no evidence of you not being legit at this time, so my advice is carry on and ignore hackusations.


I didnt know what was going on Yuda that night. I joined Vent in the middle of the battle you guys were having.

Glad to see that we have many useful tools to utilize that will help keep out servers clean!

Jeffey   :jeffey:

Here is my response :cheers: :yikes: :smokin:

Yuda probably ran off non-hacking Wookie for good.  :banghead:

ok Yuda, boobs are allowed/encouraged anywhere in this forum, as it's obviously in our origins... :cheers:

if that really is all you have to bring to the table, until there is more evidence of a hacker, I will ask you this important thing:

Do not harass any players on our server for hacking without bringing evidence to an admin.
You will be seen as nothing but a complainer, just like any other random pub.


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