Battlefield 2 > Server Info and Discussion

Server spot rewards


I will be working on a contest in the next week or so for server admins, and pubs.
This will be to see how much influence you have on the BF2 community.
How many pubbers can you get to come visit, and populate the new server.

More details to follow, in the next week or so. We will also sponsoring contests on server for several other things in the next few months. This will include cash prizes, gift cards, and other various prizes.

Please stay tuned for further details.

nice! good ideas G!

I will be getting with Brandon this evening to setup contest for our server.
The more people that you can get to come to Tits and Taps, and the more they play, the better chance you have to win.
I will be discussing with B, the use of forums for verification of the invite to server.
Most invites, and most active players that are invited will win..
What you ask? That's the surpise..  I got some interesting stuff around the house to give away.  Stay tuned!

I will try my best. Midget lap dances are best  8)


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