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Server Info and Discussion / Re: [TnT] Battlefield 2 Servers
« Last post by ZJbrandon on May 04, 2018, 01:31:27 PM »
oh hey look, both Alan and Jeffey deleted their forum account.
another sign this place does not deserve my funding any longer.
I've still been playing. There are a few good servers left that even get full.
now that i got your attention, you can still play bf2 with this system called bf2hub i was able to get on and play some games there are still active servers
Game Related Discussion / Re: TnT Emblem for shoulder/guns/vehicles
« Last post by ZJbrandon on December 18, 2017, 09:30:04 PM »
meet me in my office after school.
Game Related Discussion / Re: TnT Emblem for shoulder/guns/vehicles
« Last post by AlbertDa on December 16, 2017, 09:15:45 AM »
Good stuff, Brandon. Any more visual stuff like this I should know about?
good for you.


   I need to get to the Sureberry Fields in Amakna to do the dungeon for a quest, but my nation is Brakmar and we're at war! How can I get there/do the dungeon? Just make sure you don't have pvp wings up or are not an outlaw of that nation as getting around it once you are there will be a bit cumbersome. If you are a high enough level you should also be able to zapp to the other nations. ( as long as you dont have your pvp wings up and are not an outlaw ).

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.


animated teaser examples


    I'm a confirmed 1895 trench user, with around ~15 service stars. But it's also a fact that it's the least-used scout rifle by far amongst the general BF1 population. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd put down my top three gripes with the gun: The iron sights are abominable - the front post is giant for a precision weapon. As a result, you can't take advantage of its 0 spread, and reacquiring the target after the first shot's recoil is an exercise in hopefulness. The bullet velocity reminds me of a wandering senior citizen. It's slower to kill than medic rifles at the same range by a significant amount. What do other people think? Is there any chance my favorite PTFO scout rifle could be buffed? As it is now, lately I've been drifting more and more to the G.95+pistol switch combination.

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.


promotion animation

BF4 General Game Related Discussion / Punkbuster Troubleshooting and Error Codes?
« Last post by Shawnturner on October 15, 2017, 10:34:57 PM »

    You are not required to use PunkBuster. However, you will not be able to join any server that runs PunkBuster Services. There are servers that do not use PunkBuster services, but lack of anti-cheat software can definitely degrade your gaming experience. How do I install PunkBuster?  Even Balance, Inc. are the developers of the anti-cheat software, PunkBuster. Working with game developers, they have created a tool to help identify cheaters in-game and remove them. Any server that runs PunkBuster enforces PunkBuster bans because no one wants to play with a cheater.

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.


whiteboard explainer video software
BF4 General Game Related Discussion / Re: Help me Find a Laptop for College
« Last post by ZJbrandon on September 28, 2017, 07:14:57 AM »
yeah the chat thing sometimes doesn't take my entry either, I usually just do it again and it goes. I think it's browser related.

anyway, funny you say that, since Mid July, i've been without high speed internet myself. :banghead:
didn't get online for weeks, when i finally said fuck it and tried using my phone tethered to my PC, and while slow, it actually works. been playing PUBG with most of the crew in Teamspeak. still waiting for fast internet service at home... :cheers:
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