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This website is remains on a monthly payment for now, just can't quite yet bring myself to lose the record of our epic past!
The Teamspeak 3 server is an abandoned dark hole - scheduled to cease Dec.7th.
Find and friend us in Discord if you dare.

Author Topic: Final Month for BF4 Server  (Read 9432 times)

Final Month for BF4 Server
« on: October 05, 2016, 02:47:55 PM »


  • Teabaggin' Slut
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  • Posts: 1529
I just paid for Oct 7 through Nov 7th, and do not plan to keep server running after that.

The fancy plugins are a separate subscription which I have let expire, so we have some but not full features such as mapvote, kickvote, etc.

Teamspeak will of course continue, regardless of whether we decide to start a BF1 Server.