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Author Topic: BF1, and simpler weapons, etc.  (Read 9686 times)

BF1, and simpler weapons, etc.
« on: October 26, 2016, 09:36:17 AM »


  • Teabaggin' Slut
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it's new, it's got bugs, it's not perfect, but it's going the better direction, imo.
The simpler weaponry for one, is exactly what I'd hoped for, no more auto-locking weapons, laser gadgets, flying robots, etc.
Also, no more 30 scopes per gun, it just got ridiculous in BF4.

I made a comparison to Medal of Honor on PC, which BF1 reminds me of.
The map environments, the soldier outfits, the simple weapons, and the lack of too many unlocks.

These guys are hashing it out, over whether the game got "dumbed down", for lack of excessive weapons, and attachments, or whether the game returned some of what it used to be... concentrate on in game objectives and squad play instead of unlocking the 24th attachment for your 8th pistol.

Re: BF1, and simpler weapons, etc.
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2016, 08:10:26 PM »


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Sounds positive

Re: BF1, and simpler weapons, etc.
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2016, 07:37:03 AM »


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I agree!

Biggest complaint so far....... tank/bomber/sniper whores

Snipers are WAY over powered and deadly even from level 1 no mods etc to gun

Tank usual issues with just deadly lol.

Horses are a blast when they dont glitch.

Brandon have you seen the gun glitch where it wont fire until you switch weapons and go back first one?

Re: BF1, and simpler weapons, etc.
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2016, 07:45:18 AM »


  • Teabaggin' Slut
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no sir, thankfully!
after upgrading to a 1060 6GB, game runs pretty damn good for me.
only occasional hiccup that I don't know if it's my CPU choking or a server/lag spike.
generally plays fine, though, loving it.