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Author Topic: Why is the 1895 trench balanced the way it is?  (Read 14930 times)

Why is the 1895 trench balanced the way it is?
« on: October 15, 2017, 10:36:56 PM »


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    I'm a confirmed 1895 trench user, with around ~15 service stars. But it's also a fact that it's the least-used scout rifle by far amongst the general BF1 population. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd put down my top three gripes with the gun: The iron sights are abominable - the front post is giant for a precision weapon. As a result, you can't take advantage of its 0 spread, and reacquiring the target after the first shot's recoil is an exercise in hopefulness. The bullet velocity reminds me of a wandering senior citizen. It's slower to kill than medic rifles at the same range by a significant amount. What do other people think? Is there any chance my favorite PTFO scout rifle could be buffed? As it is now, lately I've been drifting more and more to the G.95+pistol switch combination.

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.


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Re: Why is the 1895 trench balanced the way it is?
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2017, 08:52:31 AM »


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good for you.