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This website is remains on a monthly payment for now, just can't quite yet bring myself to lose the record of our epic past!
The Teamspeak 3 server is an abandoned dark hole - scheduled to cease Dec.7th.
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Author Topic: Reminder: Seed server or it will DIE  (Read 10048 times)

Reminder: Seed server or it will DIE
« on: September 07, 2015, 04:51:45 PM »


  • Teabaggin' Slut
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Just a reminder, everyone.
I just payed the bill for 3 more months of Admin from RConnet, (separately billed from the host which is $42/month+Vent) even though the server has not been populated very much lately.
Depending on near future donations, and seeding of the server, it may become apparent that funding the server may not be logical.
It will need donations soon, we are payed for half of the next month, if i recall correctly, but if it is sitting empty, what's the point?


Re: Reminder: Seed server or it will DIE
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2015, 08:15:41 PM »


  • Dirty Swede!
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Oh no, can't have the server go die on us when I will be coming and gaming with you, ZJ! I will try and donate either in a few days or when I get my next pay, which is when I am at yours  :cheers:
Fuck, fuck, fuck a duck
Screw a kangaroo
69 a porcupine
Orgy at the Zoo!

Re: Reminder: Seed server or it will DIE
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2015, 06:13:54 AM »


  • Teabaggin' Slut
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I know, right! :cheers:

September is paid, it's October that is not. :headbang:

Re: Reminder: Seed server or it will DIE
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2015, 08:31:27 PM »


  • Guest
I have been strapped and in my honest opinion I do not want the server to go away. However, its not worth it in my opinion when there are empty servers where we can play with our balls.

Re: Reminder: Seed server or it will DIE
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2015, 04:47:30 PM »


  • Dirty Swede!
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Well, all it takes is a few people each day to get the server going. But of course, there are days when it's as dry as an 90 year old grandma. I don't know what has happened since last I played like 10 days ago, but there were usually a few of us that would get in the server to start it up and then it sort of snowballed into getting more populated. And I have said my opinion about this - I think it's douchery to not get in the server when there was a few of us trying to get the server going.
Fuck, fuck, fuck a duck
Screw a kangaroo
69 a porcupine
Orgy at the Zoo!