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Author Topic: Enabled High Ping Kicker  (Read 8966 times)

Enabled High Ping Kicker
« on: May 13, 2016, 08:19:03 AM »


  • Teabaggin' Slut
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  • Posts: 1529
EDIT: this is a test to see if we get any noticeably better performance by not having several high pingers in the server, which has happened a few times in the last few weeks. 

I enabled the High Ping Kicker, and set to 200ms.
Checks on Kill events, and ignores crazy numbers, supposedly.

EDIT: bumped to 250, a friend of magitron kept getting kicked. :redx:

As far as I know, Nerds, Mojove, and other overseas regulars are below this threshold, but if there are problems with this thing running, please let me know.

« Last Edit: May 14, 2016, 05:25:27 PM by ZJbrandon »